Monday, September 27, 2010

‘I Assume Beejal is a Drunkard, Good for Nothing Abusive Husband !’

As we set out on our adventure, it is a great time to put into practice many of the spiritual teachings we have come across. One of them being ‘Don’t make assumptions’. I don’t want to assume this is something you do, but I know it is something I have done, and still catch myself doing.

When was the last time you made an assumption about a person or situation and found out you assumed wrong? I want to share 2 stories with you, about an assumption one of our dearest friends made about me before she got to know us, and my assumption about her and her husband.

The story is timely given that while staying at our friends David and Rica Gaffney’s home I got the opportunity to read the mini-book ‘The Four Agreements’ by Miguel Ángel Ruiz. In his book he advocates personal freedom from agreements and beliefs that we have made with ourselves and others that are creating limitation and unhappiness in our lives. Ultimately, it is about finding one's own integrity, self-love, and peace by way of absolving oneself from responsibility for the woes of others. The Four Agreements are:
  1. Be Impeccable With Your Word.
  2. Don't Take Anything Personally.
  3. Don't Make Assumptions.
  4. Always Do Your Best.

I have not read the 4 book, but having read the mini version, the 4 simple agreements seem like sound advice. Not the first time I have come across these principles in personal development, however, the book and teaching were conveyed in a great way in the book. Not to get to side tracked, what I really want to share is a story, actually 2 stories, that relate to the third agreement ‘Don’t Make Assumption’.

Early 2009 a young Indian couple moved into the same block of apartments 3 doors down. We are known for being very friendly and usually we would make an effort to introduce ourselves, however, in this case we really did not make the effort. The reason being is that I assumed that we would have little or no common interests, they did not have kids so they might not want to associate with an 'old couple with kids' and between you and me they seemed rather stuck up and did not seem to have a sense of humor.

Oh, and there was one more reason, I got the sense that the ‘wife’ really did not seem to like me, in fact it felt like they were ignoring us. Our paths rarely crossed even though we parked 10-20 ft from each other, and for several months this was the extent of our relationship. In August of 2009, as part of the Great Kindness Challenge, Shivani and Khushi left a ‘Ganesh’ rock for this couple on their doorstep. Still no friendship. In September we completed our part of a puja (religious ceremony) that was done for us in India, on that same day, the couple had a puja at their home, and as we took a stroll around out apt block that day, we heard the distinct sound of a priest chanting Vedic mantras, we sat outside for a while listening to the chants. It seemed like a good day for miracles, but still nothing happened.

It was not until sometime in mid October our paths actually crossed. This was the night the stars were lined up just right and universe conspired such that our paths would cross. It was the night before Diwali, around 11pm, we had just parked our car, Yogi had carried Khushi into our home, I was following with Shivani in my arms. The Indian couple must have also just returned and were taking things out of the back of their car. Being Diwali, we were all dressed in Indian garb, and feeling in a celebratory mood, I wished them Happy Diwali, and I continued to walk on. Ten paces or so later, I thought to myself, I should at least make the effort to introduce myself. I turned around and walked back, and I introduced myself to the young couple.

As it turns out, I was completely wrong about this couple! I don’t mean like a little wrong, I mean like grand canyon wrong, heading for the Moon and reaching Mars wrong. As it turned out we had a lot in common. They were speakers, authors, background in film making and acting, life coach. We also shared similar interests, experiences both personal and business, it was actually uncanny.

Not only did we go onto to become friends, not just friends they became one of our best friends, not only best friends, they became one of our dearest and closest friends. Our bond became so close that on the day we left the USA, she made me a brother. The significance of this I will go into in another blog… but that is not how she first thought about me!

No, in fact when they moved in, she had formed a different opinion about me. Sometime after they had moved in, the husband mentioned to his wife they should introduce themselves to us, to his surprise, she remarked, ‘the husband seems like a good for nothing drunkard, lazy person who must be abusing his wife and children’. When he asked why she would think this, she replied, ‘every time I see him he has a four pack of beer.’ Even though he was surprised by his wife’s response, he did not pursue the matter, and left it at that. Thankfully her/their opinion about me/us changed once we introduced ourselves that Diwali night.

Here is the kicker, I don’t drink beer, not the kind you might be thinking off. For those who know me you know what is coming. Her opinion of me was based on the fact that I love Reeds GINGER Beer. (Note: this happens to be the world’s best ginger beer, and when served ice cold, it is the most incredible drink!). Since she saw me with Reeds Ginger beer, she assumed I was a raging alcoholic.

Thank god, and I do mean that literally, their opinion about us changed once they got to know us… well at least I ‘assume’ they think better of us today! Even though we allowed our Assumption to delay our friendship, we were eventually able to look past our own ‘ignorance’.

During our relatively short relationship in this lifetime, we have shared incredible times together, shared aspects of our lives at a deep intimate level, enjoyed countless ‘Chai’ chats late into the night.

Friendships this special do not just happen, it was divine intervention. I mean that sincerely. Their wisdom, support and guidance helped us tremendously over the last several weeks.

The young India couple I am referring to are our dear friends Vish Iyer and Deypika Singh, international speakers, life and relationship coaches.

So what was the cost of our assumptions? Valuable time together…

We all made assumptions and this story will always remind me how foolish, and what an 'Ass' one can be when one makes assumptions.

So my advice to you is that if you find yourself judging someone or something find out a little more about the person, people or circumstance… and before you accuse someone of being a good for nothing drunkard, find out what’s in the bottle!



Sunday, September 12, 2010

Children of the World Pray For People Who Hate

8th Sept: With just over a week and a half to go before we leave the USA, we got to attend one final Mantra concert. For the fist time Shivani and Yogi joined Karl Anthony and the Mantra Choir for the World Day of Prayer celebration at Unity center in San Diego. Yogi has been to more Mantra performances that anyone else on the planet, so she knew the chants well. Karl asked Shivani to perform her part 'One Prayer' and lead the audience in the 'Children of the World' chant the day of the Mantra. She listed to the parts while driving to the Unity center.

In a week filled with talk of hate and burning and the media frenzy that followed, the Mantra performance was the polar opposite experience. Nothing but love, peace and joy for all who attended. As Karl states, if you are for peace, pray for people who hate, do not fester hate for haters. And if you must burn something, burn that hatred and anger within, until it exists no more. For while we feel hate, anger, we can not usher in true peace for this world.

Many regulars said it was the best Mantra ever, and Mantra newcomers stated that it was one of the best live experience of their life.

A video can never do justice to the live experience, however, I created this video as a tribute to Karl Anthony. Both godfather and mentor to Shivani, who has been singing Karl's songs since aged 2.

Who Shivani is today, the role she plays in Kids For Peace is a testimony to the positive influence Karl and other mentors have been in her life.

To lean more about Karl Anthony's music and kids character building music: His mantra experience:

-Beejal Parmar

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Choosing a Name For Our Blog

Several friends recommended we keep a blog about our adventure, and as you see we set one up... however, selecting a name was not that easy, and the reason why it was not up sooner :)

Friend suggestions included such titles as, 'Beejal does Bollywood', 'Parmar Family Time Away', 'The Parmar's Discover India'... and several others which I can not mention. Regardless, none of these really described how we felt about this experience.

I wanted to decide upon a name by the 21st August, the day of our going away concert party so that I could announce the blog name to our friends.

I got the inspiration for the 'Love, Peace, Joy' part while I was working on the slide show for our party 'Decade in San Diego'. As I selected a just a few hundred photos from 16,000 (yup, and most bad photos have been deleted) I experienced one of those 'Ah-ha' moments.

Life is about our journey, and on this journey, what most people really want is to experience love, peace and joy... most will work hard, make many sacrifices, take huge risks, work too makes lots of money, pray for the ideal relationships, and really what they desire is to find/have these 3 things in their life. We all know you can really can't find, love, peace and joy, as these are states of being that we can choose to embrace, not something you can buy in a convenient store, although that would be convenient!

At the same time I also realized that my 3 girls: Yogi (Unconditional Love); Shivani (The Peace Ambassador; and Khushi (Our Bundle Of Joy), are my constant reminders why we do what we do, of those things we seek. Not only do the words 'with Love, Peace, Joy represent these 3 amazing gifts from God, the words also represent that no matter what happens, macro or micro, relevant or irrelevant, ultimately what is important is that we get to choose 'love, peace, joy'.

Having this realization, I knew the words love, peace and joy needed to be in the title.

With these words in place, the other words I played around with were:
-Travel with Love, Peace, Joy
-Discover Love, Peace, Joy
-Journey with Love, Peace, Joy
-Finding Love, Peace, Joy
-Adventure with Love, Peace, Joy

Initially I chose 'Journey With Love, Peace, Joy', (note I left the 'and' out to keep the URL shorter, and while it felt right, I close friend shared that while it 'fit', it did not capture 'me', in the essence of the name, nor did the word journey encapsulate the essence of fun.

Regardless, I was confident we had found the name for our blog, and what we one day hope will be a book. The day after the party we opened a card from a friend, in that card, she wrote, "May your journey be filled with love and peace, and may you always find joy...". Initially I thought this was the confirmation I needed... and even though I had registered the URL: '', and announced it during the party, I decided not to launch the blog.

I could not get the words of my friend, Deypika, out of my mind. Even though I really did not want to change the name, having spent so long coming up with it, I knew well enough to trust her judgment. After all it would not be the first time she had the right intuition.

As I was flicking through my DVD collection looking for a movie to watch I came across the Indiana Jones films, and for those of you who know me, these are some of my favorite films, and Indiana Jones is one of my favorite characters.

What makes for a great adventure? is the constant good times? No! off course not. Its the challenges and how challenges are overcome. Life is an adventure, during which times there will be good times, challenging times, great times and incredible times, regardless, what is really important is who you are being.

Don't get me wrong, it's not always easy being with love, peace and joy when you are in the thick of it, but, it is your choice. So after much deliberation we (I) decided upon the name 'Adventure With Love Peace Joy'. This is an adventure I get to take with my love, peace and joy, and on this adventure, I will do my best to be with Love, Peace and Joy, regardless of the challenges that we face.

Too many great adventures...
Wishing you much Love, Peace, and Joy!
