Our New Years eve in Bangalore, India was subdued. The few friends we have made, all had other arrangements on New Years Eve. We spent the evening in our room at the guest house, Yogi and Khushi enjoyed an early nights sleep, I worked late into the night, Shivani read her book and later in the evening we watched 2012, (actually I posted Facebook at 12.12am, on 1/1/11 while we were watching 2012!). As midnight welcomed in 2011, we posted New Year messages around and called a few friends in San Diego. All in all a fairly low key New Years Eve in Bangalore, India.
At 12.30pm on the 1st Jan 2011, India (11pm on 31st Dec 2010, San Diego) we connected with our friends in San Diego via skype. The gathering was at our dear friends home, Patrick Combs and Deanna Latson, together with them were some of our dearest friends in San Diego. Our friends had gathered to celebrate the coming of 2011 with a board breaking ceremony.
We could feel the serenity and intentional energy in the living room. Our friends had written their desired breakthroughs and intentions on 12 inch x 12 inch pine boards. The computer was place on the edge of the circle of friends and we watched as one by one they came to the center, adults and kids alike, broke their board. We watched as boards resisted, yet with support, coaching, breathing, focus, inner strength, boards and barriers gave way to each of our friends breakthroughs.
While they broke their boards, we took notes, reviewed our barriers and intentions for 2011. Not sure where we are going to find 12x12x1 pine boards here in India, but when we do, we have some board breaking of our own to do!
As the board breaking came to an end, we chatted to our friends, as midnight approached in San Diego, our friends put on their party hats, readied their whistles and prepared for the countdown. HAPPY NEW YEAR… we watched as they cheered, embraced and celebrated the arrival of 2011. They wished us Happy New Year, and we wished them right back. We were brimming with smiles and happy warm emotions as we felt their love and joy from 14714 kilometers or 9144 miles away.
While Teleportation may not be possible just yet, thanks to the technology that is available today we were their with them, more than in spirit, we could hear them, feel their emotions, their joys, their love. It was if we meta-physically transported into their living room to be there with them. Time for a group photo, the camera was carefully positioned, we were picked up, and SNAP! We were in their New Years Day group photo… and we actually showed up!

We were carried back into the room and placed facing the fire. The mood was very relaxed, calm, as if the cooling waters of pool had shifted the mood from the energy and excitement of the arrival of the New Years, to a state of peace and contemplation.
Shivani wanted to sing for her friends, so we asked them to gather around the computer and Shivani sang ‘Never Say Never’, a fitting tribute to the evening they had created. We then asked Patrick to sing a song for us. We watched as Patrick sat by the fire with his guitar and sang. Shortly after, Patrick carried the computer around the room and we bid our friends goodbye. And with a click of the ‘End’ button we were instantly transported back to our room in Bangalore, India.
We had just experienced our friends New Years party from the other side of the world. It was a wonderful experience, and while we could not be there in body, we were aware of all the same emotions as if we had been there in body.
It was now 2.30pm in India, in a few hours we would be participating in a New Years Day candlelight ceremony with new friends we had met a few weeks earlier in Bangalore. We took a short nap, got ready and were driven to their home in a chauffeur driven vehicle… otherwise known as a Rickshaw.

I will share more about our new friends in later blogs, because they are a very special group of people, involved with human transformation work, schools for the poor, environmental sustainability… in fact everything we are passionate about.
In our (my and Yogi’s) sharing we reflected on the challenges and reward of the having to leave our home and friends in San Diego. Thankful for the support we have received in the transition process from our friends and family. While we miss our friends dearly, we have been able to enjoy a truly wonderful adventure since arriving in India, an adventure very few people will ever have the opportunity to experience. We have been fortunate to have the flexibility to travel and work from the foothills of the Himalayas to the beaches of Goa. We don’t know exactly why we have been guided here, but we know that guidance is divine in nature. We are here to learn, find, and something more than that.
We have some great things planned for this year, Karl Anthony’s (www.KarlAnthony.com) visit to India in February with a tour planned for Oct. The 123Employee 3-Day live summit in April, the launch of our training company in India mid year. I am also looking forward to the launch of Patrick Combs MightClub.org, a revolution in personal development.
Thanks to technology we are able to stay connected intimately with our friends, while we explore a new continent, enjoy new adventures and make new friends… and discover why we have been guided to India.
In 2010 we were able to turn obstacles into opportunity, barriers into breakthrough… It’s going to be an incredible 2011.
Wishing you much love, peace, joy for 2011
Beejal Parmar
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